...Welcome and Thank You for Stopping In... The enclosed CD-ROM provides templates for you to use for your own publishing on the World Wide Web, along with a fully functioning Web site with links to other Web sites to help get you started. You will need a Web browser to view the contents on this CD-ROM. If you have an Internet account, you should make a connection before opening up this Web site. In addition to a browser, you will need an Internet access provider in your area offering a SLIP, PPP, or TCP/IP connection to access the World Wide Web on the Internet. Just follow these steps to access the CD-ROM: 1. Place the Instant HTML Web Pages disc into your CD-ROM drive and launch to open this material. 2. Drag or transfer a copy of the MAC or PC folder (depending on your computer type) directly onto your hard drive from the CD-ROM. We recommend doing this so that you can save and make changes to your template files when you start creating your own Web site. 3. Launch your Web browser. In many cases, launching a Web browser before a SLIP, PPP, or TCP/IP connection is made will crash your system, so be forewarned. On the Mac platform, you may launch some browsers like Netscape before a live connection is made by dragging and dropping the Welcome.html file directly onto the browser's application icon. (*Note: This is different from the Mac's new 7.5 drag-and-drop feature described below.) 4. Or, from your browser, select either Open local URL or Open File but NOT Open Location to access the Instant HTML Web Pages home page. This option will enable you to access these local files without having to go out onto the Internet itself. *From a Macintosh, you will find the local home page in the MAC folder named Welcome.html. You can open this from your CD-ROM or from your own hard drive. You can also use the new 7.5 drag and drop; to open HTML file,s drag them onto your browser icon or into the browser window. *From a PC, you will find the local home page in the PC directory named WELCOME.HTM. You can open this from your CD-ROM or from your own hard drive. If you are having problems, refer to documentation on opening local files with your Web browser or how files are arranged in a Web site. For more information about how to use this CD-ROM, please see Appendix B.